메릭 웨비나
Dynamic motion control of legged robots
김동현 교수 (Massachusetts Amherst University Computer Science)  |  2022-12-13
조회수 836 좋아요 1

To accomplish human- and animal-level agility in robotic systems, we must holistically understand robot hardware, real-time controls, dynamics, perception, and motion planning. Therefore, it is crucial to design control architecture with the full consideration of both hardware and software. This talk will explain the challenges related to classical control (e.g., bandwidth of feedback control, uncertainty, and robustness) and high-level planning (e.g., step planning, perception, and trajectory optimization), then my approaches to tackle the changes will be presented with experimental results of legged robots. I will explain how the hardware limits are reflected in controller formulation, which evidences why a systematic understanding is critical to accomplish dynamic locomotion control...

  • Dynamic motion
  • Legged robots
  • Robotic systems
  • Motion planning
  • Design control
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