Superfast 3D absolute shape measurement using five binary patterns
Jae-Sang Hyun(High-speed, Phase-coding, Binary defocusing)
USA | Opt Laser Eng

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Opt. Laser Eng. 90, 217-224, (2017)



■ Researchers

Jae-Sang Hyun

School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Song Zhang



■ Abstract

This paper presents a method that recovers high-quality 3D absolute coordinates point by point with only five binary patterns. Specifically, three dense binary dithered patterns are used to compute the wrapped phase; and the average intensity is combined with two additional binary patterns to determine fringe order pixel by pixel in phase domain. The wrapped phase is temporarily unwrapped point by point by referring to the fringe order. We further developed a computational framework to reduce random noise impact due to dithering, defocusing and random noise. Since only five binary fringe patterns are required to recover one 3D frame, extremely high speed 3D shape measurement can be achieved. For example, we developed a system that captures 2D images at 3333 Hz, and thus performs 3D shape measurement at 667 Hz.


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