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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
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  • Objet30 Prime (3D프린터)
  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Power Conditioning System Modelling for Nuclear Electric Propulsion
    저자 Kenneth J. Metcalf
    Keyword Nuclear electric propulsion; Power management and distribution; Subroutines
    URL http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/reports/1993/CR-191136.pdf
    보고서번호 NASA CR-191136
    발행년도 1993
    출처 NASA Glenn Research Center
    ABSTRACT NASA LeRC is currently developing a Fortran based model of a complete nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) vehicle that would be used for piloted and cargo missions to the Moon or Mars. The proposed vehicle design will use either a Brayton or KRankine power conversion cycle to drive a turbine coupled with a rotary alternator. Two thruster types are also being studied, ion and magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD). In support of this NEP model, Rocketdyne developed a power management and distribution (PMAD) subroutine that provides parametric outputs for selected alternator operating voltages and frequencies, thruster types, system power levels, and electronics coldplate temperatures. The endtoend PMAD model described in this report is based on the direct use of the alternator voltage and frequency for transmitting power to either ion or MPD thrusters. This low, frequency transmission approach was compared with dc and high frequency ac designs, and determined to have the lowest mass, highest efficiency, highest reliability and lowest development costs. While its power quality is not as good as that provided by a high frequency system, it was considered adequate for both ion and MPD engine applications. The low frequency architecture will be used as the reference in future NEP PMAD studies.

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