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  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Heat Pipe Cooled Heat Rejection Subsystem Modelling for Nuclear Electric Propulsion
    저자 Michael P. Moriarty
    Keyword Nuclear electric propulsion; Heat rejection; Subroutines
    URL http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/reports/1993/CR-191132.pdf
    보고서번호 NASA CR-191132
    발행년도 1993
    출처 NASA Glenn Research Center
    ABSTRACT NASA LeRC is currently developing a Fortran based computer model of a complete nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) vehicle that can be used for piloted and cargo missions to the Moon or Mars. Proposed designs feature either a Brayton or a KRankine power conversion cycle to drive a turbine coupled with a rotary alternators. Both ion and MPD thrusters will be considered in the model. In support of the NEP model, Rocketdyne is developing power conversion, heat rejection, and power management and distribution (PMAD) subroutines. The subroutines will be incorporated into the NEP vehicle model which will be written by NASA LeRC. The purpose of this report is to document the heat pipe cooled heat rejection subsystem model and its supporting subroutines. The heat pipe cooled heat rejection subsystem model is designed to provide estimates of the mass and performance of the equipment used to reject heat from Brayton and Rankine cycle power conversion systems. The subroutine models the ductwork and heat pipe cooled manifold for a gas cooled Brayton; the heat sink heat exchanger, liquid loop piping, expansion compensator, pump and manifold for a liquid loop cooled Brayton; and a shear flow condenser for a K-Rankine system. In each case, the final heat rejection is made by way of a heat pipe radiator. The radiator is sized to reject the amount of heat necessary.

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