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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • 시편연마기 Minitech 233~365 series
  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Influence of Thermal Cycles on the Dynamic Characteristics of Carbon/Polyimide Laminates
    저자 Kazuo IWASAKI, Tetsuhiko UEDA
    Keyword carbon/polyimide; composite; damping factor
    URL http://send.nal.go.jp/send/jpn/dlpdf.php3/naltr01218.pdf?id=NALTR0001218
    보고서번호 NAL TR-1218
    발행년도 1993.12
    출처 NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan)
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the stiffness and the damping characteristics of smooth specimens of carbon/polyimide laminates which are subjected to the thermal cycles.The specimens were fabricated by three major aircraft companies in Japan.After being subjected to the thermal cycles,the damping was noted to increase about twenty precent whereas the stiffness decreased slightly.Small cracks due to the thermal cycles were observed in the 90°degree layers of the specimens.

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