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  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Preliminary Tests of a Flutter Emergency Stopper for the Transonic Wind Tunnel (Part 2) Detailed Study for Flutter Stopper Development
    저자 Yasukatsu ANDO, Seizo SUZUKI, Asao HANZAWA, Kenji FUJII, Kouichi SUZUKI, Masataka HASHIDATE, Hiroshi MATSUSHITA, Tatsuo UMEJIMA
    Keyword Flutter suppression device; transonic wind tunnel; flutter control test
    URL http://send.nal.go.jp/send/jpn/dlpdf.php3/naltr01200.pdf?id=NALTR0001200
    보고서번호 NAL TR-1200
    발행년도 1993.5
    출처 NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan)
    ABSTRACT To prevent damage to both the test model and the wind tunnel,flutter suppressing devices were designed for use in wind tunnel test.Preliminary tests were,therefore,conducted in the transonic pilot wind tunnel to develop devices for the 2 m × 2 m wind tunnel.The test results confirmed the effectiveness and safety of the flutter suppressing device.This report presents the design,tests,and results of the flutter suppressing devices.

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