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    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Calculation of the Required Sensor Accuracy to Obtain a Specified State Estimation Accuracy
    저자 Shuichi SASA, Masahiko NAGAYASU
    Keyword Kalman filter; Gauss-Newton Method; state estimation; sensor accuracy; inverse problem
    URL http://send.nal.go.jp/send/jpn/dlpdf.php3/naltr01173.pdf?id=NALTR0001173
    보고서번호 NAL TR-1173
    발행년도 1992.7
    출처 NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan)
    ABSTRACT For the design of sensor systems for flight test data acquisition,the determination of necessary accuracy of the sensors is important.In this report,one method is presented to calculate the sensor accuracy to obtain a specified state estimation accuracy by a Kalman filter.This is an inverse problem of a state estimation problem in which observation sensor or input sensor accuracy is obtained by optimization method.Gauss-Newton method is applied in the iterative optimization calculation,and the basic performance

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