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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • 트랙백
  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    저자 Michael J. Allen, Jack Ryan, James F. Parle, Curtis E. Hanson
    Keyword Aircraft; formation ; leader-follower; stability; string
    URL http://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/DTRS/2002/PDF/H-2504.pdf
    보고서번호 NASA-TM-2002-210733
    발행년도 2002
    출처 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
    ABSTRACT String stability analysis of an autonomous formation flight system was performed using linear and nonlinear simulations. String stability is a measure of how position errors propagate from one vehicle to another in a cascaded system. In the formation flight system considered here, each ith aircraft uses information from itself and the preceding ((i-1)th) aircraft to track a commanded relative position. A possible solution for meeting performance requirements with such a system is to allow string instability. This paper explores two results of string instability and outlines analysis techniques for string unstable systems. The three analysis techniques presented here are: linear, nonlinear formation performance, and ride quality. The linear technique was developed from a worst-case scenario and could be applied to the design of a string unstable controller. The nonlinear formation performance and ride quality analysis techniques both use nonlinear formation simulation. Three of the four formation-controller gain-sets analyzed in this paper were limited more by ride quality than by performance. Formations of up to seven aircraft in a cascaded formation could be used in the presence of light gusts with this string unstable system.

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