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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • 시편연마기 Mecatech 334
  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Generalized Functions for the Fractional Calculus
    저자 Carl F. Lorenzo and Tom T. Hartley
    Keyword Fractional calculus; Fractional differential equations; Systems; Generalized functions; Eigenfunctions
    URL http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/reports/1999/TP-1999-209424-REV1.pdf
    보고서번호 NASA TP-1999-209424-REV1
    발행년도 1999
    출처 NASA Glenn Research Center
    ABSTRACT Previous papers have used two important functions for the solution of fractional order differential equations, the Mittag-Leffler function Eq[atq] (1903a, 1903b, 1905), and the F-function Fq[a,t] of Hartley & Lorenzo (1998). These functions provided direct solution and important understanding for the fundamental linear fractional order differential equation and for the related initial value problem (Hartley and Lorenzo, 1999). This paper examines related functions and their Laplace transforms. Presented for consideration are two generalized functions, the R-function and the G-function, useful in analysis and as a basis for computation in the fractional calculus. The R-function is unique in that it contains all of the derivatives and integrals of the F-function. The R-function also returns itself on qth order differ-integration. An example application of the R-function is provided. A further generalization of the R-function, called the G-function brings in the effects of repeated and partially repeated fractional poles.

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