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  • 기술보고서

    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Ground Based Observation of Isotopic Oxygen in the Martian Atmosphere Using Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy
    저자 Smith, R. L.;; Kostiuk, T.;; Livengood, T. A.;; Fast, K. E.;; Hewagama, T.;; Delgado, J. D.;; Sonnabend, G.
    URL http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20110007219
    보고서번호 none
    발행년도 2010
    출처 NTRS (NASA Technical Report Server)
    ABSTRACT Infrared heterodyne spectra of isotopic CO2 in the Martian atmosphere were obtained using the Goddard Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition, HIPWAC, which was interfaced with the 3-meter telescope at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility- Spectra were collected at a resolution of lambda/delta lambda=10(exp 7). Absorption features of the CO2 isotopologues have been identified from which isotopic ratios of oxygen have been determined. The isotopic ratios O-17/O-16 and O-18/O-16 in the Martian atmosphere can be related to Martian atmospheric evolution and can be compared to isotopic ratios of oxygen in the Earth''s atmosphere. Isotopic carbon and oxygen are important constraints on any theory for the erosion of the Martian primordial atmosphere and the interaction between the atmosphere and surface or subsurface chemical reservoirs. This investigation explored the present abundance of the stable isotopes of oxygen in Mars'' atmospheric carbon dioxide by measuring rovibrational line absorption in isotopic species of CO2 using groundbased infrared heterodyne spectroscopy in the vicinity of the 9.6 micron and 10.6 micron CO2 lasing bands. The target transitions during this observation were O-18 C-12 O-16 as well as O-178 C-12 O-16 and O-16 C-113 O-16 at higher resolving power of lambda/delta lambda=10(exp 7) and with high signal-to-noise ratio (longer integration time) in order to fully characterize the absorption line profiles. The fully-resolved lineshape of both the strong normal-isotope and the weak isotopic CO2 lines were measured simultaneously in a single spectrum.

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