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    기술보고서 게시판 내용
    타이틀 Nanomaterials Transform Hairstyling Tools
    저자 none
    URL http://hdl.handle.net/2060/20110000758
    보고서번호 NASA/NP-2010-06-659-HQ
    발행년도 2010
    출처 NTRS (NASA Technical Report Server)
    ABSTRACT Dr. Dennis Morrison, a former scientist at Johnson Space Center, conducted research on microcapsules that were developed in space and designed to deliver drugs to cancerous tumors. This work led to research on nanoceramic materials, and in 2001, Morrison shared his expertise with Farouk Shami, the owner of Farouk Systems Inc., of Houston, Texas. After learning more, Shami developed a ceramic composite for his CHI (Cationic Hydration Interlink) hairstyling irons, brushes, nail lacquers, and hair dryers. Morrison also used his NASA research expertise as a platform to incorporate nanosilver and near-infrared light into the products.

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