한국과학기술원 입자공학 연구실 (Aerosol & Particle Technology Lab)
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 김상수
전공분류 기타(ETC)
주소 대전광역시 유성구 대학로 291 서관 3120호
홈페이지 http://aptl.kaist.ac.kr/


  APTL has been founded by professor Sang Soo Kim and studied the area associated with the aerosol and particle since 1983. In particular, we have investigated the generated particles using various methods and experimental systems.



- The electrospray

- Characteristics of the CaCO3 sorbent particles in a condition of O2/CO2 combustion system

- MicroOpto_Fluidics

- The coating using aerosol jet

Dong Yun Choi, Hyun Wook Kang, Hyung Jin Sung and Sang Soo Kim
Annealing-free, smooth, flexible silver nanowire/polymer composite electrodes via a continuous two-step spray-coating method
Nanoscale, 2012 , ,Vol. 0No. 0 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Joon Sang Kang, Inyong Park, Jae Hee Jung and Sang Soo Kim
Free-surface electrospray technique using a multi-hole array
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2012 , ,Vol. 0No. 0 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Kang Soo Lee, Sang Youl Yoon, Kyung Heon Lee, Sang Bok Kim, Hyung Jin Sung and Sang Soo Kim
Optofluidic particle manipulation in a liquid-core/liquid-cladding waveguide
Optics Express,  , ,Vol. 20No. 0 ,pp. 17379 ~ 17359(SCIE, 0:0.0

Joon Sang Kang, Kang Soo Lee, Kyung Heon Lee, Hyung Jin Sung and Sang Soo Kim
Characterization of a microscale cascade impactor
Aerosol Science and Technology,  , ,Vol. 46No. 0 ,pp. 966 ~ 972(SCIE, 0:0.0

Sang Bok Kim, Kyung Heon Lee, Sang Soo Kim and Hyung Jin Sung
Optical force on a pair of concentric spheres in a focused laser beam: ray-optics regime
Journal of the Optical Scociety of America B, 2012 , ,Vol. 0No. 0 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Jeongan Choi, Hak Joon Kim, Yong Jin Kim, Sang Soo Kim and Jae Hee Jung
Novel electrostatic precipitator using unipolar soft X-ray charger for removing fine particles: application to a dry de-NOx process
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016 , ,Vol. 303No. 0 ,pp. 48 ~ 54(SCIE, 0:0.0

Seongha Jeong, Kang Soo Lee, Sang In Keel, Jin Han Yun, Yong Jin Kim and Sang Soo Kim
Mechanisms of direct and in-direct sulfation of limestone
Fuel, 2015 , ,Vol. 161No. 0 ,pp. 1 ~ 11(SCIE, 0:0.0

Kang Soo Lee, Kyung Heon Lee, Sang Bok Kim, Byung Hang Ha, Jin Ho Jung, Hyung Jin Sung and Sang Soo Kim
Dynamic manipulation of particles via transformative optofluidic waveguides
Scientific Reports, 2015 , ,Vol. 5No. 15170 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Inyong Park, Sang Bok Kim, Won Seok Hong and Sang Soo Kim
Classification of Electrohydrodynamic spraying modes of water in air at atmospheric pressure
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015 , ,Vol. 89No. 0 ,pp. 26 ~ 30(SCIE, 0:0.0

[정전분무기술을 이용한 차량응용 시스템개발] (주)한라공조, 2011.09-2012.08

[바이오/미세 입자탐지를 위한 MEMS 기반의 초소형 다단임팩터의 개발] KAIST HRHRP (High Risk High Return Project), 2012.01-2013.12

[동축 멀티젯 고유량 전기방사를 이용한 고분자 나노 섬유 제조 및 응용 기술 개발] 한국연구재단, 2011.05-2014.04

[고 전기전도도 물을 이용한 고유량 정전분무 요소기술 개발] (주)삼성전자, 2011.06-2012.04

[차세대 친환경 발전시스템을 위한 로 내 가스상 미세오염물질들의 동시제거기술 개발] KAIST EEWS (Energy, Environmet, Water, and Sustainability) 연구사업, 2012.01-2013.12

[오존/연x-선을 이용한 NOx 산화 및 탈질 특성연구] 기계연구원,2013.1-2014.12

[적 미립화 기술을 이용한 습식집진 연구] (주)LG전자, 2014.05-2015.02