(주)마이크로시스템 소프트웨어 개발자 채용
Cooperative localisation for deep-sea exploration using multiple unmanned underwater vehicles
Jonghoek Kim(Electronic and Electrical Convergence Department,)
Korea | IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation volume 14, Issue 8

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IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation volume 14, Issue 8 




■ Researchers

Jonghoek Kim

Electronic and Electrical Convergence Department, Hongik University



■ Abstract

This study considers cooperative localisation and exploration of multiple unmanned underwater vehicles. The author assumes that one vehicle, called the communication/navigation aid (CNA), moves near the sea surface and that the vehicle can use a global positioning system (GPS) to localise itself. To explore a deep sea, the author is strategy is to make each vehicle move at a distinct depth such that a communication link is maintained during the manoeuvre. For cooperative localisation and exploration, the CNA uses GPS to localise itself, while each vehicle measures the bearing and range of its nearby vehicle and has a depth sensor to measure its depth. The effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified utilising MATLAB simulations.


  • control theory
  • multi-agent robotics
  • robotics
  • optimal estimation
  • autonomous car
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