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리더쉽 : 당신은 소통하고 협력할려고 노력하고 있습니까?
Hermina Ibarra (INSEAD)  |  2011-07-22
조회수 3153 좋아요 0
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현재까지 3153명 읽었습니다.
제목 리더쉽 : 당신은 소통하고 협력할려고 노력하고 있습니까?
발표자 Hermina Ibarra
발표일 2011-07-22
요약 Where do the ideas in your organization come from? And from whom? If you&39#re not taking advantage of new sources of inspiration - sources outside your organization, outside the management suite - to facilitate growth and change, you could be in trouble.
Where do the ideas in your organization come from? And from whom? If you&39#re not taking advantage of new sources of inspiration - sources outside your organization, outside the management suite - to facilitate growth and change, you could be in trouble.
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