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국소적 격자 삽입법을 이용한 반 원주 내의 스핀업 유동에 대한 연구
여창호*, 서용권(동아대)   |  2004-04-30
조회수 861 좋아요 0
동영상 게시판 내용
현재까지 861명 읽었습니다.
제목 국소적 격자 삽입법을 이용한 반 원주 내의 스핀업 유동에 대한 연구
발표자 여창호*, 서용권(동아대)
발표일 2004-04-30
요약 In the paper the numerical method with a zonal embedded grid system was applied to the spin-up flow within a semi-circular container. Flow visualization was also performed on rotation table. The results show that at a low level of damping(i.e. low viscosity and high liquid depth) a cyclonic cell produced initially near the left-hand-side corner of the container moves along a wall and mergd with the cell on the right-hand-sied.
In the paper the numerical method with a zonal embedded grid system was applied to the spin-up flow within a semi-circular container. Flow visualization was also performed on rotation table. The results show that at a low level of damping(i.e. low viscosity and high liquid depth) a cyclonic cell produced initially near the left-hand-side corner of the container moves along a wall and mergd with the cell on the right-hand-sied.
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