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스트레칭 분리 영역을 포함한 새로운 액적 충돌 모델의 개발
고권현*, 유홍선(중앙대)   |  2004-04-30
조회수 618 좋아요 0
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제목 스트레칭 분리 영역을 포함한 새로운 액적 충돌 모델의 개발
발표자 고권현*, 유홍선(중앙대)
발표일 2004-04-30
요약 The present article proposes a new droplet collision model including
the stretching separation regime and the formation of satellite
droplets. The new model consists of a several equations to calculate the postcollision characteristics of colliding droplets and satellite droplets. These equations are derived from the energy balance of droplets between before and after collision. For binary
collision of water droplets, the new model shows good agreement with
experimental data for the number of satellite droplets. Nevertheless, it is thought that, in order to guarantee the generality of the new model, the improvements should be performed to
consider the effects of the bouncing and the reflexive separation,
which is essential process in the collision of hydrocarbon droplets.
The present article proposes a new droplet collision model including
the stretching separation regime and the formation of satellite
droplets. The new model consists of a several equations to calculate the postcollision characteristics of colliding droplets and satellite droplets. These equations are derived from the energy balance of droplets between before and after collision. For binary
collision of water droplets, the new model shows good agreement with
experimental data for the number of satellite droplets. Nevertheless, it is thought that, in order to guarantee the generality of the new model, the improvements should be performed to
consider the effects of the bouncing and the reflexive separation,
which is essential process in the collision of hydrocarbon droplets.
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