경상대학교 Composite Structures Lab.
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 권진회, 최진호, 남영우
전공분류 복합재료(Composite Materials)
주소 경남 진주시 진주대로 501 경상대학교 항공우주산학협력관 407동 805호
홈페이지 http://csl.gnu.ac.kr/

Our laboratory is the composite structure research group that focuses on the composite structural analysis and design, optimization of composite structure, repair technology, 3D reinforced composites and multi-functional composite structure application. The goals of the composite structure laboratory are to promote the understanding and the use of composite structure, to contribute significantly to the research and state of the art optimal design and manufacturing, and to provide a practical application of the research outcomes in the form of core technology of composite structure design guidelines in the future


Research vision

  • We tackle challenging the practical application, to promote the understanding and use of composite structure, to contribute significantly to state of the art optimal design and manufacturing.

Research field #1 - Repair technology for composite structures

  • Our research is focused on development of the repair technology for composite structures such as scarf patch method, resin injection, and micro-bolt repair method etc.

Research field #2 - 3D reinforced composites

  • Development high performance of laminated composite reinforcement technology, I-fiber stitching method and dedicated equipment, and characteristic evaluation of composite specimens and structures with I-fiber stitching method.

Research field #3 – Thermoplastic composite structures

  • We also put our efforts to investigate the thermoplastic composites by applying the thermoforming and in-situ technique.

Research field #4 – Multi-functional composite structures

  • Our research is focused on the multi-functional composite structures such as radar-absorbing structure, anti-/de-icing based on microwave absorption technology, lightning strike protection system(LSP), and nano-composite material etc.

Choi W-H, Kwak B-S, Nam Y-W
Radar absorbing serrated edge for broadband radar cross-section reduction
Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, 2020-03 , ,Vol. 62No. 0 ,pp. 1112 ~ 1116(SCIE, 2020:0.0

Choe H-S, Kwak B-S, Park S-M, Truong V-H,Nam Y-W*, Kweon J-H
Tensile strength of composites bonded scarf joint in various thermal environmental conditions
Advanced Composite Materials, 2020 , ,Vol. 29No. 3 ,pp. 285 ~ 300(SCIE, 2020:0.0

Choi W-H, Kwak B-S,Nam Y-W*, Kweon J-H
Microwave Absorbing Structure Using Periodic Pattern Coated Fabric
Composite Structures, 2020 , ,Vol. 238No. 0 ,pp. 111953 ~ 0(SCIE, 2020:0.0

[경남지역 혁신클러스터산업 육성을 위한 오픈랩 구축사업] 사업명 : 이전공공기관연계육성사업 협약기관 : 과학기술정보통신부 책임자 : 최진호 교수 기간 : 2020.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31

[일체형 항공기 복합재 구조물 제작을 위한 I-Fiber 스티칭 장비 개발] 사업명 : 강소특구사업화지원사업 협약기관 : 과학기술정보통신부 책임자 : 최진호 교수 기간 : 2020.06.02 ~ 2021.06.01

[결빙 보호 기능 열가소성 복합재 구조물 개발] 사업명 : 대학 창의적 자산 실용화 지원[BRIDGE+]사업 협약기관 : 경상대학교 산학협력단 책임자 : 남영우 교수 기간 : 2020.08.03 ~ 2020.11.20