연세대학교 지반공학
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 윤태섭
주소 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 A268
홈페이지 http://gems.yonsei.ac.kr/

GEMs lab focuses on the research on the geo-energy and geomaterials including the optimization of storage capacity of carbon dioxide sequestration, geothermal energy, production of methane gases from gas hydrate, engineered geo-materials and their engineering impact and applications. The methodology includes non-destructive testing (elastic and electromagnetic waves), thermal and electrical conduction measurements, hybrid characterization systems under wide range of boundary conditions, and multi-scale optical observation. The integrated approach using both experimental and numerical analyses help better understand and elucidate the complex behaviors and unprecedented mechanism in geomaterials, which effectively and synergistically lead the multidisciplinary research.


- Optimization of geological sequestration of carbon dioxide in porous media : The maximization of injected CO2 into porous rock and optimization of injection conditions are under investigation by high-pressure experimental systems and multiphase simulation using 3D X-ray images of Berea sandstone by Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) and parallel computing at micro-scale. The observation will be extended to macro-scale simulation to tackle mechanism-dependent fate of injected carbon dioxide in geomaterials.


- Evaluation of rock anisotropy and microstructures. : The systematic scanning of 3D X-ray images of rock and morphology-based method quantify not only fabric and but also microstructural pores in rocks. The embedded anisotropy and unseen microscopic characteristics are under investigation to fundamentally understand structural features of geomaterials and relevant geomechanical properties.


- Characterization of hydrophobic geomaterials : The grafting organo-silane on the particle surface makes the synthetic hydrophobic soils whose geotechnical properties and relevant behaviors are being explored, initiated at Lehigh University funded by US. NSF and successively supported by Korea NRF. A wide range of geophysical, geomechanical and morphological properties are studied from nano- to macro-scales.


- Microstructure of cement-based materials : The initation of micro-crack, spatial distribution of internal void space, and temperature dependent properties are evaluated using experimental, statistical, and numerical approaches with the partnership of industry and academic collaborators.


- Unsaturated soil mechanics : The hybrid soil-water characteristic curve testing devices system simultaneously measures the matric suction and thermal-electrical conductivity for soils. Marine sediments and non-wettable/wettable soils are under investigation to comprehend the evolutionary realtive permeability. Results will bo integrated with the numerical simulation using LBM.


- Porous paving systems : The newly started research in 2013 on porous paving system is supported by Engineeing Research Center(ERC). The highly porous paving system and appropriate drainage system are highly desired under intensive rainfall in urban area and we aim to develop the multi-functional paving system within several years.

이정훈, 이동열, 윤태섭, 이준환
입자의 조건에 따른 정지토압계수 평가
한국지반공학회 논문집,  , ,Vol. 28No. 8 ,pp. 21 ~ 29(SCIE, 0:0.0

서다와, 윤태섭, 염광수, 정상섬, 문성호
도심지 강우 특성을 고려한 투수성 보도블록의 배수 특성
한국지반공학회 논문집,  , ,Vol. 31No. 1 ,pp. 53 ~ 64(SCIE, 0:0.0