포항공과대학교 Hazardous Environment RObotics Lab
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 유선철
전공분류 로봇공학(Robotics)
주소 경상북도 포항시 남구 효자동 31번지 포항공과대학교 기계공학과 790-784
홈페이지 http://hero.postech.ac.kr/


1) 주력로봇은 이름처럼, 수중, 사막, 공중과 같은 혹독한 곳에서 사람대신 일해주는 로봇을 만들어 내는 곳입니다. 수중로봇을 주로 만들며 육해공 전천후로봇, 항공로봇들도 만들고 있습니다.
2) 전공분야들은   기본: 로봇의 ‘전체제작’입니다.  스케치-설계-제작(가공 및 전장, 소프트웨어)-조립-실험의 일련의 과정을 한두명이 모두합니다.
특수센싱: 초고해상도 초음파카메라 및 세계최고해상도의 광학센싱을 이용한 자동인식과 지능을 연구합니다.
로봇지능: 극한환경로봇들은 통신이 어려워 전자동으로 임무를 수행하기 위해서 지능 및 제어자동화 기술을 집중적으로 연구합니다.
3) 연구철학은  로봇을 설계, 제작, 실험하는 것이 아닙니다.  로봇을 '낳고', '키우고', '빛보게' 하는 것입니다. 
새로운 발상을 하고, 만들고 실험하여 세상에 인정을 받습니다. 
이런 일을 좋아하며, 이런 일에 재능 있는 사람들을 모여, 과정을 즐기고 결과를 인정받습니다.
4) 꿈은  멤버전원을 점점 행복하게 하는 것 입니다.  인간관계는 화학반응입니다. 좋은 사람 둘이 만나도 관계가 나빠지기도 하고, 반대의 경우도 있습니다. 서로 기분 좋은 화학반응을 일으키며, 감정도 이력서도 모두 좋아지는 것이 꿈입니다.



We are specialized in building robots operating in a hazardous

environment. From the underwater robots to the aerial robots, we build variety types of robots to achieve the mission goal.


Engaged in Interdisciplinary Engineering

Mechanical Design: CAD structural design, manufacturing parts, and assembling robots.

Special Sensing: Artificial intelligence and recognition techniques using High-resolution ultrasonic sonars and optical camera.

Artificial Intelligence: Autonomous vehicle control technology


The Frontier of the “NEW” Ideas

We don’t just build ordinary robots. We build special one.

Our members come from diverse backgrounds, including mechanical, aerospace, computer science, material science major

to name a few, all of whom share a common interest …. the subject of robotics.


Dream pursuers,

Human relationships follow the same rule as atoms follow during chemical bonding. Our dream is to make good chemistry and make your resume shine.



- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (무인자율 수중로봇) 
Underwater robot with aritifical intelligence for fully autonomous operation
From the scientific exploration to the submersible millitary warfare, the area of application is diversed.
Specialilzed in Hovering type AUV, whose the propulsion mechanism is akin to that of a helicopter.
Underwater sampling, Underwater Structure Analysis (port, wave barriers)
- Multi-Agent Robots (복수 로봇)
Multi-robots operation for reducing the underwater operation time
High speed area survaillence, High speed structural analysis of the submerged strcuture such as a dam, and bridge.
Optimized co-opertable multi-robots system
- Resource Investigation Robot (자원탐사로봇)
Mineral survey platforms - Ground and Air
Autonomous Mineral Search robot with the environment awareness
- High-resolution Acoustic Camera (초고해상도 3차원소너)
State of the Art Ultrasound Imaging Sonars for the scan in low visibility water.
Robot with object recognition ability and Artifical intelligence using Ultrasound Image
Used for the shipwreck detection, port survallience, and the pipeline survey
- Micro-size Inspection Robot (초소형 검사형 로봇)
Robot capable of performing a precision task in the extreme environment such as deep water, inside of the industrial tank, and sewer.
Capable of performing co-op missions with other robots
- All-in-one type robot (전천후 수륙양용로봇)
Robot capable of performing air, underwater,and sky in all weather
Fictional robot capable of performing tasks in any environment
Main Robot carrying the lab's future 



1. Underwater Vehicle – Cyclops

2. Amphibious Vehicle – Super Vehicle Project

3. Robotic Buoy & Oceanic Renewable Energy

4. Underwater Sensing

5. Mapping

Son-Cheol Yu
Experiments on a system of Multi-AUV Interlinked with a Smart Cable for Autonomous Inspection of Underwater Structures
International Journal of Offshore Structures and Polar Engineering, 2004 , ,Vol. 14No. 0 ,pp. 274 ~ 283(SCIE, 0:0.0

Son-Cheol Yu
A system of Multi-AUV Interlinked with a Smart Cable for Autonomous Inspection of Underwater Structures
International Journal of Offshore Structures and Polar Engineering, 2004 , ,Vol. 14No. 0 ,pp. 265 ~ 273(SCIE, 0:0.0

Son-Cheol Yu, Teng Zhu and Dong-Jong Kang
Modeling of High-Resolution 3D Sonar for Image Recognitio
International Journal of Offshore Structures and Polar Engineering,  , ,Vol. 0No. 0 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Son-Cheol Yu, Dong-Jong Kang and Jaesoo Kim
Edge Line Information based Underwater Landmark for UUV
International Journal of Ocean System Engineering, 2011 , ,Vol. 0No. 0 ,pp. 68 ~ 75(SCIE, 0:0.0

Son-Cheol Yu, Dae-Young Kim, Bae Hyung-Sub, Myeong-Kwan Park, Young-Sool Yun, Peter Cho, Ryuichiro;Yamane
A study of magnetic fluid seals for underwater robotic vehicles
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010 , ,Vol. 33No. 0 ,pp. 857 ~ 863(SCIE, 0:0.0

Juhyun Pyo, Hyeonwoo Cho, Son-Cheol Yu
Beam Slice-Based Recognition Method for Acoustic Landmark with Multi-Beam Forward Looking Sonar
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2017 , ,Vol. 17No. 4 ,pp. 7074 ~ 7085(SCIE, 0:0.0

Hyeonwoo Cho, Byeongjin Kim, Son-Cheol Yu
AUV-Based Underwater 3-D Point Cloud Generation Using Acoustic Lens-Based Multibeam Sonar
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2017 , ,Vol. 0No. 99 ,pp. 1 ~ 17(SCIE, 0:0.0

Hangil Joe, Hyunwoo Roh, Hyeonwoo Cho, Son-Cheol Yu
Development of a flap-type mooring-less wave energy harvesing system for sensor buoy
ENERGY, 2017 , ,Vol. 133No. 0 ,pp. 851 ~ 863(SCIE, 0:0.0

Hyeonwoo Cho, Juhyun Pyo, Son-Cheol Yu
Drift Error Reduction Based on the Sonar Image Prediction and Matching for Underwater Hovering
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016 , ,Vol. 16No. 23 ,pp. 8566 ~ 8577(SCIE, 0:0.0