서울과학기술대학교 Surface Design & Manufacturing Laboratory [SDML]
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 황지홍
전공분류 기계요소 및 기구설계(Machine Element and Design)
주소 서울특별시 노원구 공릉로 232 서울과학기술대학교 다산관 233호 표면설계및제조실험실
홈페이지 http://plaza.snut.ac.kr/~sdml/


  SDML has been conducting research on design and manufacture of functional surfaces that can be utilized in various way. SDML's research is focused on surface generation by material removal, surface measurement and characterization, surface design and analysis, and process control and optimization. SDML's research topic extends to haptic perception and affective robot design.



가. Material Removal Processes

① Characterization of Size Effect in Machining

- Geometric Size Effect

- Intrinsic Size Effect

② Investigation into the Chip Formation Process in the Primary Deformation Zone and the Contact Condition at the Chip-Tool Interface in 2-D Orthogonal Machining Using High-Speed Photography

③ Investigation into the Temperature Distribution in the Primary Deformation Zone and at the Chip-Tool Interface in 2-D Orthogonal Machining Using IR Thermography

나. Metrology & Instrumentation

① IR Thermography

② High-Speed Photography

다. Cognitive Engineering

① Psychophysics in Haptic Perception

라. Human & Robot Interaction

① Affective Design for Robot Appearance

② Affective Design for Robot Gestures