아주대학교 메카트로닉스실험실
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 범진환
전공분류 로봇공학(Robotics)
주소 경기도 수원시 영동구 원천동 산 5번지 아주대학교 기계공학부
홈페이지 http://www.ajou.ac.kr/~mechlabs

Our Lab is the Leading research Laboratory  in the country on the field of  robotics application especially to Automotive Industry. Since 3 Major Car Manufactures (Hyundai, Kia, GM-Daewoo) have supported our Lab for more than 10 years, our research topics are quite industry oriented. Some of Robot Application Technologies currently used in those Car manufactures have been developed by our Lab.
Now, so many good research topics to improve the robotics application technologies  are waiting for you to resolve, Come and Join our research team. 


1.Robotics Simulation Technologies
2.Robot Applications  to Automotive Industry & Electronics Industry
3.Other Robotics & Motion Simulation Related Topics
-Modeling/Kinematics of Robots/Mechanisms
-Motion & Path Planning
-Efficient Collision Detection & Avoidance
-Robot Offline Programming
-Robot and System Calibration (Hardware & Software)
-Robot and Laser Vision Application 

고경현, 정상현, 안병민, 이혁준
Chemical interaction and activation phenomena in cold-sprayed Cu particles on Sn substrate
MATERIALS LETTERS, 2018 , ,Vol. 215No. 0 ,pp. 161 ~ 164(SCIE, 0:0.0

고경현, 이혁준, 최준오
Characteristics of cold sprayed dendritic Cu coatings
SURFACE ENGINEERING, 2016 , ,Vol. 32No. 9 ,pp. 650 ~ 654(SCIE, 0:0.0

고경현, 이혁준, 최준오
The interfacial restructuring to amorphous: A new adhesion mechanism of cold-sprayed coatings
MATERIALS LETTERS, 2016 , ,Vol. 175No. 0 ,pp. 13 ~ 15(SCIE, 0:0.0

[Development of Digital Cell Simulation and Robot Offline Programming S/W for Car Manufactures]

[Graphics Motion Simulation of Human Body Mechanism]

[Calibration Method for Robot and Laser Vision System.]

[Development of RRS(Realistic Robot Simulation) for Robot OLP S/W]