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 Ice slurry as seen from the sampling of continuous ice making system. The mean size of ice particle is scores of microns. Members of TECC are recognized as leaders in the study of refrigeration, HVAC and renewable energy systems. 
We strive to be global leaders in engineering and science covering the full role of the energy. Our goal in research is to substantially advance and develop the thermal energy conversion system and to participate directly and actively in the evolution of energy economy. An essential part of our mission is to educate tomorrow's leaders in this field of academia, government, and industry. We also provide capstone design opportunities for undergraduate research.


  • 열에너지 저장
  • 지열히트펌프(Ground Source Heat Pump, GSHP)
  • 자동차 냉난방 시스템
  • 신재생에너지 시스템 설계
  • 공기조화 (Heating, Ventilating & Air-Conditioning, HVAC)
  • 열물성 측정
  • Refrigeration
  • 열에너지 시스템 시뮬레이션


1.Thermal Energy Storage

Thermal Ice Storage

Continuous Formation of Ice Slurry
In order to suppress ice adhesion on cooling wall, multi-component aqueous solution as a thermal storage material is developed. We obtained continuously ice slurry from multi-component solution by cooling with hydrophobic surface.
Transportation of Ice Slurry
Ice slurry, fluid like ice can transport directly cold energy to remote area. In here, ice fraction in flow, ice particle size is important factor to transport. In addition, the aggregation of ice slurry in pipe during stagnation can cause ice blockage or the increase of flow resistance.
Thermal Ice Storage System
We are challenging to thermal ice storage system using by ice slurry, which has no mechanical driving part for ice supply.


1.Thermal Energy Storage
Thermal Energy Storage
Phase Change Material(PCM) with Medium Melting Point
Medium temperature PCM is good thermal storage material for heating. Sometimes heating in constrained space requires to supply with low power. PCM has high storage density and thermal stability. However, the limited use of PCM urge a new type of PCM.
PCM Capsule design
PCM usually is enclosed to capsule. Therefore, the capsule experienced to thermal and mechanical hysteresis by PCM is needed to endurable structure. We think the material and geometry of the capsule.
Water Storage
What is the optimal structure for thermal stratification and mechanical stress?


2.Water Treatment in GDL

Water Treatment in GDL

GDL(Gas diffusion layer)
Gas diffuses through GDL from flow channel to catalyst. Removal of water to prevent flooding Keep some water on surface to keep conductivity through PEM
-Teflon treated carbon paper
-Teflon treated woven cloth

3.Ground Source Heat Pump(GSHP) 

 GSHP cycle design

 Measurement of Thermal Conductivity for Ground
4.Chilling/Heating unit for vehicle
 Chilling/Heating System for Small Truck
 PCM for Vehicle
5.Design of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems
Solar Heating
Solar water heating system types are classified as follows:
Active requires electric power to activate pumps and/or controls. 
Passive relies on buoyancy (natural convection) rather than electric power to circulate the water. Thermosyphon systems locate a storage tank above the solar collector, while integrated-collector-storage collectors place the storage inside the collector. 
Direct heats potable water directly in the collector. 
Indirect heats propylene glycol or other heat transfer fluid in the collector and transfers heat to potable water via a heat exchanger.
Solar Collector Design for Solar Heating System
Fuel Cell
Fuel Processor A unit that produces hydrogen, a fueling agent for fuel cells. This reaction is generated from fossil fuels. It is generally referred to as a reformer. 
Stack A generating unit that produces DC electric currents by directly converting hydrogen chemical energy into electric energy. It supplies electric power. 
MEA The part where electrochemical reaction directly occurs between fuel and air.
BOP (Balance of Plant) The unit that supplies the fuel needed for fuel cells and causes the system to operate properly.
6. Heating, Ventilating & Air-Conditioning(HVAC) 
 Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger
 Water-to-Water Heat Exchanger
 Dehumidifying System
7.Mesurement of Thermophysical Property
 Latent Heat
 Specific Heat
 Melting Point
 Thermal Conductivity
 Dynamic Viscosity
 Gas Liquefaction System
 Cryogenic System
 Thermal energy system simulation
 Fluid & Heat Transfer in flow field
 Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation
   Ice Melting
   Solid/Liquid or Liquid/Gas Interface
   Crystal Growth
   Vaporization, Adsorption/Absorption

The Effect of Solution Pressure to the Release in a Supercooled Aqueous Solution
Interational Journal of Air - Conditioning and Refrigeration, 2009 , ,Vol. 17No. 1 ,pp. 25 ~ 31(SCIE, 0:0.0

Effect of Pressurization and Cooling Rate on Dissolution of a Stationary Supercooled Aqueous Solution
The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 2007 , ,Vol. 19No. 12 ,pp. 850 ~ 856(SCIE, 0:0.0

Influence of the Supercooling Degree and Cooling Rate on a Continuous Ice Formation by a Supercooled Aqueous Solution in Flow Using a Plate Heat Exchanget
The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea , 2007 , ,Vol. 19No. 9 ,pp. 647 ~ 563(SCIE, 0:0.0

The Effect of Ice Adhesion according to Functional Group and Chemical Structure of Additive
The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 2007 , ,Vol. 19No. 8 ,pp. 607 ~ 614(SCIE, 0:0.0

A Real Time Measurement of Ice Concentration of Ice Slurry in Pipe
The Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 2007 , ,Vol. 19No. 8 ,pp. 599 ~ 606(SCIE, 0:0.0

[미세다공층 형상에 반밀폐된 물의 동결] 한국학술진흥재단 2009.05.01~2010.04.30

[태양열 이용 제습식 -압축식 하이브리드 히트펌프 원천기술 개발] 산업기술평가원 2010.06.1~2013.05.31