성균관대학교 Nano-Materials & Nano-Manufacturing (nm²) Lab
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 석지원
전공분류 나노공학(Nano Technology)
주소 수원시 천천동 300 성균관대학교 제1공학관 ,#21329
홈페이지 https://swb.skku.edu/nmnm/index.do

In the Nano Materials & Nano Manufacturing (nm2) Lab,

  We are highly interested in novel nano-materials including a new class of low-dimensional

    materials such as graphene.

    Understanding novel nano-materials leads us to focus on developing innovative nano-

    manufacturing technologies and unique devices for various applications.

    Through our interdisciplinary research activities, we aim to contribute to our industry and society.





Fundamental Properties  


Novel Devices  

Tan Thong Vo, Hyeon-Jong Lee, Sang-Yun Kim, and Ji Won Suk
Synergistic Effect of Graphene/Silver Nanowire Hybrid Fillers on Highly Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Spandex Composites
Nanomaterials, 2020 , ,Vol. 10No. 2063 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

Chengxu Piao and Ji Won Suk*
Graphene/silver nanoflower hybrid coating for improved cycle performance of thermally-operated soft actuators
Scientific Reports, 2020 , ,Vol. 10No. 17553 ,pp. 0 ~ 0(SCIE, 0:0.0

ji Won Suk*, Yufeng Hao, Kenneth M. Liechti, and Rodney S. Ruoff*
Impact of Grain Boundaries on the Elastic Behavior of Transferred Polycrystalline Graphene
Chemistry of Materials, 2020 , ,Vol. 32No. 0 ,pp. 6078 ~ 6084(SCIE, 0:0.0