대구경북과학기술원 지능형 이미징 및 비전 시스템 연구실
실험실 소개 이미지
실험실 정보안내
지도교수 문인규
전공분류 기타(ETC)
주소 대구광역시 달성군 현풍면 테크노중앙대로 333
홈페이지 http://iivs.dgist.ac.kr/

Major Research Achievements

  • Intelligent holographic imaging systems with artificial intelligence: 1) New multi-modal holographic imaging systems in the field of life sciences (cell imaging & analysis), 2) Developments in intelligent holography integrated with numerical information processing and deep learning which enables to obtain rich, quantitative information about the structure of cells and microorganisms in noninvasive, real-time conditions
  • Image cryptosystems with optical and digital optics: Studied on image cryptography based on digital holography to simultaneously provide confidentiality and integrity of unstructured big-data through the fusion of deep learning, computational optics, and digital cryptography
  • Computational 3D imaging systems with integral imaging: 1) Studied on integral imaging system having multiple sensors which are randomly distributed in 3D space with unknown position and unparalleled optical axes for multi-view 3D imaging, 2) Integration of 3D integral imaging and computer stereo vision for generalized 3D imaging
  • Published more than 70 referred articles in journals listed in Science Citation Index (SCI) or Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) including Proc. of IEEE, ACS Photonics, Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and so on. 
  • Total citations: over 2150 (Google scholar), H-index: 26

     Research Vision

  • Intelligent Imaging and Vision Systems (IIVs) laboratory is developing deep learning models, holography-based imaging systems, image analysis algorithms, and big-data cryptosystems: Specifically, (1) Low-cost, portable and practicable holography in multimodal platforms with deep learning, (2) Intelligent imaging systems with the fusion of multimodal holography and deep learning models for biomedical applications in the field of cell biology, (3) Cryptography & Cryptanalysis with artificial intelligence and digital optics for unstructured big-data security applications, and 4) Design of automated algorithms to estimate various different types of information on the cell state and enable a comprehensive understanding of cell structure and dynamics with nanoscale sensitivity through the fusion of multimodal holography, 3D image processing, and machine learning for phenotypic high throughput screening (HTS) & high contents screening (HCS)

     Networking with International Communities

  • Intelligent Imaging and Vision Systems laboratory has collaborated with more than 5 internationally leading groups in research on the 3D imaging group (Univ. of Connecticut) in USA, biomolecular screening group (EPFL) in Switzerland, 3D image processing group (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) in Israel, neuroscience group (Laval Univ.) in Canada, and cellular dynamics/neuroenergetics group (Univ. of Lausanne Medical School and Hospital, EPFL) in Switzerland
  • IIVs collaborates with Lyncée Tec, Switzerland for the development of the unique deep learning tools exploiting the strength of digital holographic microscopy in cell biology studies
K. Jaferzadeh, B. Rappaz, K. Fabien, B. Kim, I. Moon, P. Marquet, and G. Turcatti
Marker-Free Automatic Quantification of Drug-Treated Cardiomyocytes with Digital Holographic Imaging
ACS Photonics, 2020 , ,Vol. 7No. 0 ,pp. 105 ~ 113(SCIE, 0:0.0

E. Ahmadzadeh, K. Jaferzadeh, S. Shin, and I. Moon
Automated single cardiomyocyte characterization by nucleus extraction from dynamic holographic images using a fully convolutional neural network,
Biomedical Optics Express, 2020 , ,Vol. 11No. 0 ,pp. 1501 ~ 1516(SCIE, 2020:0.0

I. Moon, K. Jaferzadeh, Y. Kim, and B. Javidi
Noise-free quantitative phase imaging in Gabor holography with conditional generative adversarial network
Optics Express, 2020 , ,Vol. 28No. 0 ,pp. 26284 ~ 26301(SCIE, 0:0.0