기계로봇 소식
학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 PRESM 2021 (PRecision Engineering and Sustainable Manufaturing)
행사분류 학술발표대회
행사관련 홈페이지 www.presm.org/
개최기간 2021-07-21 ~ 2021-07-23
개최지 Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea
주최기관 PRESM2021 사무국
주최기관 홈페이지 www.presm.org/
후원기관 PRESM2021 사무국

Welcome to PRESM 2021,

On behalf of all members of the committee of PRESM 2021, I would like to welcome you to PRESM 2021 which will be held from July 21 to 23, 2021.

As we have experienced in 2020, the pandemic of COVID-19 gave us unprecedented difficulties. Fortunately, we are witnessing the emerging lights of hope with the development of vaccines and therapeutic agents. I suppose the importance of developing and interchanging scientific technologies under circumstances like this would not be overemphasized. Thus, I'd like to expect the PRESM 2021 could exert and reactivate the momentum for international interchange of academic issues, which has been logged by the pandemic of COVID-19.

The discipline of 'Precision Engineering' now becomes a trend embracing entire technologies beyond the sole field of engineering practice. In the midst of the stream of the '4th Industrial Revolution', which necessitates the application of sustainable and eco-friendly scientific technologies encompassing key words associated with the "Green" and "Smart", the roles of precision engineers are expected becoming more important than ever.

The PRESM 2021 will be prepared as a hybrid conference, that is, not only off-line face-to-face sessions at the venue but also on-line virtual conference. So, more researchers from all over the world can join and enjoy no matter where they are. We will do our utmost efforts to ensure safe and healthy face-to-face academic exchanges by observing the prevention measures against COVID-19.

With your participation, we are confident that PRESM 2021 will be enjoyable and fruitful to everyone. Please join us in this exciting event as KSPE continues to expand its vision of "Precision Engineering for Sustainable and Prosperous Life, Forever". Thank you.


Chair of PRESM 2021

Daehie Hong, Korea University, Korea

"K-Precision, Smart & Green"

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