기계로봇 소식
학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 The 34th Asian-Pacific Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures TEAM 2020
행사분류 심포지엄
행사관련 홈페이지 team2020.itu.edu.tr/homepage
개최기간 2020-10-12 ~ 2020-10-15
개최지 İ\;stanbul, Turkey
주최기관 홈페이지

TEAM Conference

The aim of team conference is to provide an opportunity for researches and engineers in the field of ships and marine structures in Asian-Pacific region to exchange recent research results and new ideas, and to promote discussion of problems in design and production techniques of ships and marine structures.

All are welcome to TEAM 2020 Conference, who intend to present a paper in the TEAM conference this time or in future, and who have already presented a paper in previous TEAM Conferences. All participants can enjoy the friendly atmosphere and enthusiastically exchange technical ideas on ships and marine structures.


TEAM 2020 İstanbul

TEAM 2020 Conference will be held at İstanbul Technical University in Turkey from 12th to 15th October, 2020 the welcome reception, conference banquet, technical/cultural tours and accompanying person program will be organized alongside the technical sessions by the local organizing committee



International Organizing Committee

​Prof. Ergin, A.,(Chairman) Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Prof. Chau, Shiu-Wu, National Taiwan University, ROC

Prof. Chen, J.H., National Taiwan Ocean University, ROC

Prof. Pei, Z.Y., Wuhan University of Technology, China

Prof. Okada, T., Yokohama National University, Japan

Prof. Yasuzawa, Y., Kyushu University, Japan

Prof. Cho, K.N., Hong-Ik University, South Korea

Prof. Lee, S.G., Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea

Prof. Ogai, S.A., Maritime State University named after Admiral Nevelskoy, Russia

Prof. Minaev, A.N., Far-Eastern Federal University, Russia

Prof. Choo, Y.S., National University of Singapore, Singapore

Prof. Melchers, R.E., University of Newcastle, Australia

Dr. Do Hung Chien, Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport, Vietnam

International Technical Committee

Dr. Yildizdag,  M.E. (Chairman) Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Prof. Fang, C.C., National Taiwan Ocean University, ROC

Prof. Wu, P.C., National Cheng Kung University, ROC

Prof. Cui, W.C., Westlake University, China

Dr. Takahashi, H., Japan Marine United Corporation, Japan

Prof. Yanagihara, D., Kyushu University, Japan

Prof. Rim, C.W., Kyungwoon University, South Korea

Prof. Shin, H.K., University of Ulsan, South Korea

Prof. Kulchin, Y.N., Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Prof. Voyloshnikov, M.V., Maritime State University named after Admiral Nevelskoy, Russia

Local Organizing Committee

Dr. Koroglu, S.A. (Chairman), Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Prof. Ergin, S., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Kefal, A., Sabanci University, Turkey

Dr. Ugurlu, B., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Prof. Belik, O.,Piri Reis University, Turkey

Dr. Bayer, I.,Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Bayraktarkatal, E., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Unsan, Y., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Tayyar, G.T., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Ozdemir, M, Ordu University, Turkey

Dr. Ozguc, O., Istanbul Technical University

Mr. Ardic, I.T,, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Mr.  Serifoglu, M.O., Istanbul Technical University, Turkey



    • Loads for Ships and Marine Structures

    • Structural Response of Ships and Marine Structures  

    • Structural Design of Ships and Marine Structures

    • CAD/CAM/CIM in Shipbuilding

    • Production Techniques of Ships and Marine Structures

    • Noise and Vibration Problems

    • Offshore Structures Problems

    • Marine Corrosion

    • Marine and Offshore Renewable Energies

    • Ocean Resources

    • Others 

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