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학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems and Control (6/16-17일, GIST)
행사분류 심포지엄
행사관련 홈페이지 www.icros.org/board/board.asp?b_code=2134&Action=content&GotoPage=1&B_CATE=BBS3
개최기간 2017-06-16 ~ 2017-06-17
개최지 광주 GIST
주최기관 홈페이지 www.icros.org/board/board.asp?b_code=2134&Action=content&GotoPage=1&B_CATE=BBS3

Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems and Control (6/16-17일, GIST)

일자 : 2017년 6월 16일-17일

장소 : 광주 GIST

주최 : 

문의 : Tel :  / e-mail: hyosung@gist.ac.kr

관련 페이지: http://www.icros.org/board/board.asp?b_code=2134&Action=content&GotoPage=1&B_CATE=BBS3

주요 프로그램


The 1st Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Networked and Distributed Systems and Control - Toward future research collaborations


June 16-17, 2017, GIST, Gwangju, Korea




Call for participation


 As control, communications, sensing, and computational technologies are advanced, networked and distributed systems become more realistic in our daily life as well as in industry. The networked and distributed control systems may include a remote control of tele-operated systems, synchronization and consensus of large-scale complex systems, cyber-physical systems, distributed coordination of energy and power systems, and formation control of mobile agent systems. As the computational speed of embedded processors connected via networks becomes extremely fast, a higher-level control in these systems becomes more and more important. In the sense of higher-level control, analysis and control from topological perspective of networked and distributed systems have attracted significant research interest. In analysis, there are many issues such as synchronization of dynamical agents, convergence characteristics, graph topology, and connectivity between neighboring agents. In control, there could be various issues in terms of sensing and control variables, i.e., centralized control, distributed control, and decentralized control. In this joint symposium, we are specifically interested in networked robots, synchronization of distributed and social agents, energy and resource allocations, and formation control of multi-agent systems. The main purpose of the symposium is to introduce recent advancements on these issues that have been developed in Japan and Korea. However, in the symposium, we would further seek some possible collaborations among the participants by way of discussing issues and sharing ideas. If you are interested in attending this symposium as audience or as speaker, please send your ''intention for participation’’ to one of the following contacts;

(Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn, GIST) from Korea, or

hatanaka@ctrl.titech.ac.jp (Prof. Takeshi Hatanaka, Tokyo Tech) from Japan 

by May 30, 2017.

Outline of tentative program


 The symposium will consist of keynote technical talks and problem definition sessions. Two technical sessions will include four keynote talks. In the problem definition session, individual speaker will be allowed to present his/her problems within a five minute in one slide. In the problem definition session, we would like to discuss the problems intensively. Students will be allowed to present their on-going works via 3-minute presentations, if they want. The symposium will also have some social events.





Specially invited speakers


Kazunori Sakurama, Tottori University, Japan


Hyungbo Shim, Seoul National University, Korea


Takeshi Hatanaka, Tokyo Tech, Japan


Hyo-Sung Ahn, GIST, Korea

*** 자세한 내용은 홈페이지 참고바람.

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