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학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 FISITA World Automotive Congress 제36차 세계 자동차공학 학술대회 및 전시회
행사분류 학술발표대회
행사관련 홈페이지 www.fisita2016.com
개최기간 2016-09-26 ~ 2016-09-30
개최지 부산 벡스코
주최기관 홈페이지 www.fisita.com/
후원기관 MOTIE, MOLIT, Ministry of Environment

The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE) is proud to host the 36th FISITA World Automotive Congress in Busan, Korea.

The major thrusts for global economy in the 21st century are developing a sustainable green environment, liberalisation, and globalisation. Especially in response to resource depletion, climate change, and greenhouse gas emissions, car makers are making every effort to develop energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and intelligent automobiles.

At FISITA 2016, worldwide specialists in automotive industry will get together to share their creative thoughts and knowledge to bring our next generation a whole new era of transportation. FISITA 2016 is focussing on the theme 'Creative Thinking for Future Automobiles' for issues such as energy-efficiency, safety, eco-friendly technology, and connectivity. For this, the Congress will disucss significant research and discoveries in subjects like next generation powertrain systems, new power sources, intelligent safety systems, weight-reduction, advanced driver assistance, and ITS technologies. Convergence of creative ideas from the world's best institutions and organisations will expedite the realisation of innovative transportation technologies as fast as possible.

Hopefully FISITA 2016 will serve as the powerful motivator for the continued growth of the automotive industry and its contributors. Also, experts and engineers working for the auto industry may experience the true meaning of sustainable growth through "convergence."

KSAE is very much committed to make this world congress as successful as possible, and all of the organising members are doing their best to make every participant from all corners of the world experience the best of FISITA and the best of Korea in Busan.

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