기계로봇 소식
학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 ICGHIT 2016
행사분류 학술발표대회
행사관련 홈페이지 icghit.org
개최기간 2016-02-24 ~ 2016-02-26
개최지 Clark, Angeles City, Philippines
주최기관 IEIE
주최기관 홈페이지 www.ieek.or.kr/
후원기관 IEEE



2016 International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology

Feb. 24 ~ Feb. 26, 2016 | Clark, Angeles City, Philippines


International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT) 2015 will be held on Feb. 24 ~ Feb. 26, 2016 in Clark, Angeles City, Philippines. It aims at forming a platform to seek the advancement of green technology and human related IT. Perspective authors are invited to submit papers of their original works. We hope to have chances for technical exchange and mutual cooperation among the participants



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