기계로봇 소식
학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 CSA(International Workshop on Computer Systems and Architectures)
행사분류 학술발표대회
행사관련 홈페이지 is-candar.org/csa15
개최기간 2015-12-08 ~ 2015-12-11
개최지 Sapporo, Japan
주최기관 isCANDAR
주최기관 홈페이지 is-candar.org/start

CSA(International Workshop on Computer Systems and Architectures)

일자 : 2015. 12. 08 ~ 2015. 12. 11

장소 : Sapporo, Japan

주최 : isCANDAR

홈페이지 : http://is-candar.org/csa15

주요행사 : 3rd International Workshop on Computer Systems and Architectures (CSA'15)

To be held in conjunction with CANDAR'15, Sapporo, Japan, December 8-11, 2015.

The main goal of this workshop is to provide a timely forum for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, techniques and research in the field of computer systems and architectures.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

  • Computer hardware: logic circuits, memory systems, I/O systems, computer terminals, super computers, GPGPU, multi-core processors

  • VLSI computers: VLSI architectures, microcomputers, memory, SoC, multiprocessors

  • Computer systems: Next-generation computers, parallel processing systems, grid, PC clusters, distributed systems, embedded systems, autonomous system, computer communication, operation and maintenance control, real-time processing, real-world computing, storage systems

  • System software: operating systems, databases, language processors, editors

  • Application software: computer graphics, CAD, production management systems, simulation

  • Computer networks: network interfaces, communication mechanism software, cloud computing

Paper format

  • Regular paper: 5-7 pages

  • Poster paper: 3-4 pages

Submission Instruction


The conference and workshop proceedings will be published by Conference Publishing Service and subm itted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL digital libraries. Also they are submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.


Special Issue

We plan to publish extended versions of selected papers from CANDAR main conference and workshops. Please see Special Issue for the details.

Important dates

Please see Schedule for the workshop abstract submission due and the workshop paper submission due.



Workshop co-chairs

  • Masahiro Goshima (NII)

  • Yasuhiko Nakashima (NAIST)

Program chair

  • Michihiro Koibuchi (NII)

Program Committee

  • Kazutami Arimoto (Okayama Prefectural University)

  • Naoki Fujieda (Toyohashi University of Technology)

  • Ikki Fujiwara (National Institute of Informatics)

  • Yi Ge (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.)

  • Hidetsugu Irie (The University of Tokyo)

  • Atsushi Kubota (Hiroshima City University)

  • Morihiro Kuga (Kumamoto University)

  • Yukio Mitsuyama (Kochi University of Technology)

  • Shinobu Miwa (The University of Electro-Communications)

  • Takashi Miyoshi (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.)

  • Takefumi Miyoshi (e-trees.Japan, Inc.)

  • Takashi Nakada (The University of Tokyo)

  • Mitaro Namiki (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

  • Hiroaki Nishi (Keio Univ.)

  • Shugo Ogawa (NEC)

  • Takeshi Ohkawa (Utsunomiya University)

  • Takatsugu Ono  (Kyushu University)

  • Kanemitsu Ootsu (Utsunomiya University)

  • Ryota Shioya (Nagoya University)

  • Jubee Tada (Yamagata University)

  • Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

  • Hiroyuki Takizawa (Tohoku University)

  • Sunao Torii (PEZY Computing)

  • Tomoaki Tsumura (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

  • Yoshiki Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba)

  • Akimasa Yoshida (Meiji University)

  • TBA

*** 자세한 내용은 홈페이지 참고바람.

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