기계로봇 소식
학술행사 제목 게시판 내용
행사명 ENFHT(International Conference on Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer)
행사분류 학술발표대회
행사관련 홈페이지 enfht.com/
개최기간 2016-04-04 ~ 2016-04-05
개최지 Prague, Czech Republic
주최기관 International ASET, AVESTIA
주최기관 홈페이지
후원기관 International ASET, AVESTIA

ENFHT(International Conference on Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer)

일자 : 2016. 04. 04 ~ 2016. 04. 05

장소 : Prague, Czech Republic

주최 : International ASET, AVESTIA

홈페이지 : http://enfht.com/

주요행사 : The International Conference on Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat Transfer (ENFHT'16) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to experiemental and numerical flow and heat transfer. The goal of ENFHT'16 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields.

All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, selected papers from the conference will be submitted for possible publication in the following journals from Avestia Publishing (publication fees may apply):

*** 자세한 내용은 홈페이지 참고바람.

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