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Robot Adaptation: Perception and SLAM
유현우 교수 (UNIST 정보바이오융합대학 전기전자공학과)  |  2022-10-11
조회수 1193 좋아요 5

Robot perception and semantic understanding, which is essential in robotics, have been greatly improved based on the large amount of training data and advent of the artificial intelligence. However, artificial intelligence techniques which heavily rely on statistics and vast amount of training data becomes kind of a double-edge sword; in the environment that are slightly different from thee training data, the perception performance is significantly reduced. This limitation makes AI hard to be adopted to the autonomous driving or the adaptive mobile robot in various environment, since the various environments have their own characteristics based on the countries, driving road composition, weather condition and even the diverse observational viewpoints...

  • Adaptive robotics
  • Robot perception
  • 3D SLAM
  • Semantic understanding
  • Online learning
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