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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • Objet500 Connex3 (3D프린터)
  • 공학설계DB

    게시판 상단 게시물 검색바


    공학설계D/B 리스트
    번호 Data Title Data Item
    1250 General guide to the choice of thrust bearing type. 67033
    1250 General guide to the choice of journal bearing type. 65007
    1250 ESDUview user manual. 00009
    1250 Tribology Series record of documents. 00005
    1250 Example of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Dual design point, upper and lower surface shape geometry, leading and trailing edge flap deflections, RAE 2822, Euler code and BVGK. 01024
    1250 Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry var: LE and TE flaps, initial aerofoil: combat aircraft section, CFD: BVGK (inviscid), Euler code. 00023
    1250 Example of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry var: LE and TE flaps, initial aerofoil: combat aircraft section, CFD: BVGK (viscous flow) 00022
    1250 Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: dual, geometry variation: LE and TE flap deflection and camber line vars, initial aerofoil: RAE 2822 99021
    1250 Examples of the application of constrained multivariate optimisation techniques to the design of aerofoil sections. Design point: single, geometry variation: LE and TE flap deflection or camber line vars, initial aerofoil: RAE 2822 99020
    1250 Constrained multivariate optimisation techniques for the design of aerofoil sections. 99019

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