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  • 공학설계DB

    게시판 상단 게시물 검색바


    공학설계D/B 리스트
    번호 Data Title Data Item
    1290 Selection of surface treatments and coatings for combating wear of load-bearing surfaces. 86040
    1290 Properties of common engineering materials. 84041
    1290 Dynamic sealing of fluids. II: guide to selection of reciprocating seals. 83031
    1290 Dynamic sealing of fluids. I: guide to selection of rotary seals. 80012
    1290 Selection of synthetic oils. 94020
    1290 Film thickness in lubricated Hertzian point contacts. (Use of computer program A9138.) 91038
    1290 Film thickness in lubricated Hertzian line contacts. (Use of computer program A9137.) 91037
    1290 Film thicknesses in lubricated Hertzian contacts. Part 2: point contacts. 89045
    1290 Film thicknesses in lubricated Hertzian contacts (EHL). Part 1: two-dimensional contacts (line contacts). 85027
    1290 Selection of filter rating for lubrication systems. 83030

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