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국내 최대 기계 및 로봇 연구정보
통합검색 화살표
  • RecurDyn (리커다인)
  • 공학설계D/B

    공학설계D/B 게시판 내용
    Volume Title Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue
    Volume No Loading actions (near-field jet, buzz-saw noise due to fan, turbulent boundary layer) and Damping (estimation in laminated plates, use of damping treatments).
    DATA Title Estimation of the surface pressure fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layer of a flight vehicle.
    DATA Item 75021
    KEYWORD acoustic, body, boundary, cone, cylinder, forebody, layer, level, loading, missile, noise, pressure, program, revolution, sound, surface, turbulent
    ISBN 0 85679 125 3
    ABSTRACT ESDU 75021 presents graphs of a correlation of flight test data taken from many sources in the literature that enables the overall fluctuating pressure in dB and its spectrum level in dB/Hz to be predicted for attached flow on cylindrical or conical bodies. The correlation applies to Mach numbers from 0.1 to 4 and Reynolds numbers based on length along the body of 1 to 1000 million. The r.m.s. error between predicted overall pressure level and measured was 3 dB. A Fortran program of the method is provided on disc in the software volume (ESDUpac A7521) both uncompiled and compiled within ESDUview, a user-friendly interface that runs under MS DOS and prompts on-screen for input data.

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